Cambridge One - Latest updates
Find the latest updates to the Cambridge One platform which have been made to improve the experience for you and your students. Visit the links below for more detailed information.
Assignment scheduling and notifications improvements (Teachers)
Teachers can now set assignments with a future start date and exact start and due time whilst Learners will receive notifications at the assignment start date and time.
Best versus First attempt-based scoring (Administrators)
Administrators can now determine which of the student attempts should be used as basis for their overall score calculation.
Grading categories in downloadable progress reports (Teachers & Administrators)
Grading categories are non-digital progress items that students need to be assessed on, e.g. attendance, behaviour, a class project, etc. In this release, we are adding grading category data to the downloadable teacher and administrator reports.
Grade weighting and activity inclusion in downloadable progress reports (Teachers & Administrators)
Teachers and administrators will now be able to customise the data included in the student progress reports they download. They will be able to choose whether the reports reflect all progress data for their classes, or only the data on items administrators have included in class grade calculation (set up beforehand).
Reporting journey updates (Teachers)
We are introducing a new, dedicated teacher ‘Reports’ page, where users will trigger and then download reports, once they are generated. Report readiness emails will be replaced with Cambridge One notifications, keeping the full journey within the platform.
Class deletion (Teachers & Administrators)
Teachers and Administrators can now delete classes, which removes them from both teachers' and learners' dashboards. Administrators also have the ability to view, organize, and restore any deleted classes.
Copy from a class (Administrators)
Previously Administrators were only able to create assignments separately for each class, it was not possible to copy previously created assignments and learning material lists into a new class.
Cambridge One now has a new function for Administrators to copy learning material lists, assignments, locking and unlocking rules and also teachers from a previously created class into a new class or several new classes in one go.
Creating classes without a teacher (Administrators)
Previously classes had to include a teacher when being created. This was an issue for Administrators who needed to create classes before teachers were appointed. This requirement to have a teacher has now been removed from Cambridge One.
Sign-up (All users)
The wording used throughout the signup process has been updated in response to customer feedback and user research. The improved guidance means that role selection and creating an account is easier and better information will reduce common issues. These improvements will launch gradually in early 2024.
Customisable data views – Teacher score (Administrators)
In Cambridge One, teachers sometimes need the ability to manually override auto-marked activity scores. We have now enabled Administrators to give or take away teacher permissions so that teachers can override scores in a class. It also allows teachers with permission to add ‘Teacher Scores’ to auto-marked activities.
We all need a bit of help sometimes, which is why we’ve created our ‘Help’ section. You can search through a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Teachers, Administrators, Learners and Parents. If your question is not answered here simply get in touch with us.